My 21st Century Classroom

  It may look like a typical classroom, but it's my idea of a great one. Here there is plenty of space for the children to move freely. Each part of the room is a different space. There is a place for group time, for art, and even for computers (which are placed on the tables). The color scheme is a varied pattern, as I believe that bright colors make everyone a little more cheerful. The room itself will be a light blue. I chose this color because it's supposed to be a very calming and comfortable color. The room is also very wide open and is can easily be navigated without causing any issues. Having an open room is the best approach so that everyone will have the freedom to come and go as they please without being crowded. This is also good because it's said that if things are arranged and put within the child's reach, there are more opportunities for unplanned teaching moments. 

   There will also be devices such as white boards, iPads and/or kindles. I know what you're thinking. "Why would you give a kindergartner such an expensive device?" While I agree that technology wouldn't be such a good idea when used to much, if shown the basics, it can be a great thing. The children will then know how to to use these things when they come into play a little later in life. Aside from general knowledge all of these things are great for teaching the lessons you plan out. If you want them to read a book on their own, a kindle for instance, has an app that will read the story to you. There are endless ways to use this kind of technology and I think that it will be very useful in promoting independence as well. Since the children are really young at this point, I figure, the best way to keep students connected with other students would be to possibly have a pen pal, of sorts. Instead of writing, though, I'm thinking it would be a good idea to get in touch via Skype. We can do this as a class or individually. It's very simple and I think the children would really enjoy getting to talk to other students from different places. This can be done with anyone, really. Technology will also be used to keep the parents updated on the happening in the classroom. From personal accounts to events that may be going on, I think that it's an effective way to keep everyone informed. 
As a learner and teacher, I will only continue to grow. Using a PLN (Personal learning network), I can talk to other professionals in the field and learn from them as well as additional classes or personal research. Getting in touch with others will also grant me the opportunity to see how others run classrooms and seek out knowledge. The possibilities are endless. 

Here is a video that I think sums up how technology works with classroom activities. 
In summation, this is how I would incorporate technology into my classroom, even at such young ages. They'll have fun and learn at the same time. It's a very good way to introduce them to things they will need later in life, right now. 


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